What are the service times?
Church Services: 8:00AM & 10:30AM
Bible Study: Wednesdays: 12 Noon & 7:00PM
Please keep in mind that while we are in the process of building our new facility, seating and parking may be a challenge – and we apologize for any inconvenience. We always encourage early arrival. Parking is available in our parking lot and on the street. However, we do ask you to please not park in lots that are not CBC designated property. We want to be good neighbors.
You can also watch online via Youtube on our Calvary Baptist Church channel.
What is the Higher Ground Project?
The Higher Ground Project is the name given to the building campaign for our new church facility to be located at 2285 Forrest Ave (Rt. 8) in west Dover, DE. During offering time, worshippers are asked if they would like a Higher Ground envelope. This is an opportunity for you to give toward the expense of this project. You do not have to be a member of CBC to give toward this project.
What do I wear?
At CBC, attire for Sunday morning worship ranges from casual or business casual to business professional. Those attending services throughout the week typically dress in a very relaxed or casual manner. Nevertheless, we encourage visitors to come as you are. What is in you is more important to us than what is on you.
What if I am a visitor?
We do take time to recognize our first-time visitors during our worship services. Standing during this part of the service is completely optional, and we will not ask you to say anything. We do ask our first-time visitors to complete a visitors card so we can have a record of your visit. This gives us an opportunity to thank you for coming in a more personal manner.
How do I contact the Senior Pastor?
Bishop Thomas can be contacted by one of the following methods:
By calling the Church Office at 302-736-6554
Via email: bishopwjt@calvaryforward.org
To meet with Bishop, please schedule a convenient time with Sis. Barbara Ford by calling the Church Office.
How do I become a member of Calvary Baptist Church?
In a church service or Bible study, an invitation will be extended, and you may walk to the front where you will be greeted by one of the Deacons or Ministers. If you are only going to be in the area for a short time (due to college, job relocation, etc.), you can also join under Watch Care.
What is Watch Care?
Under Watch Care, you can become a member for the short time you will be in the Dover area with all the privileges of a regular CBC member. When you return to your hometown or place where you permanently reside, you will be provided a letter confirming your time with us to give to your home pastor.
At what point is membership considered inactive, and how do I reactivate it?
An inactive member is one who does not attend services and supports the ministries of CBC for an extended period of time. All members are required to register annually in person with a Deacon or through our website at www.calvarybaptistchurchdover.com. The exceptions are sick, shut-in, and members who are away in the military and college. These person’s names will remain on the membership roll unless we are informed otherwise. Our Deacon Ministry will attempt to reach out to members who do not register. If your name is purged from the membership roll, you will be required to re-join CBC as a new member. Please keep your contact information up-to-date.
If I am sick, who do I contact?
If you become ill during service, please let an Usher know. The Usher will contact Health Ministry personnel who are present at each service.
If you are ill outside of service, please check the bulletin for the Deacon assigned to the first letter of your last name. Our Ministers and Deacons will visit members who are in the hospital. Please inform our Deacons or Ministers whether or not you would prefer the congregation to be notified and/or desire visits from members.
What ministries do you have for young children?
CBC currently has an unstaffed nursery for parents with young children to still enjoy services while tending to your children. A staffed nursery is coming soon!
CBC offers a Youth Church, which meets simultaneously with our 10:30 AM Worship Service in the Avant Auditorium (lower level).
CBC also offers Bible Study for children in the Avant Auditorium on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM.
For more information, please speak with Rev. Katina Whitehead, Assistant to the Pastor for Children, Youth & Young Adult Ministries. All of these ministries provide a safe environment where kids can be developed spiritually.
In the event that I am a member of the church and I lose a loved one, who should I contact?
Please contact the Church Office and your assigned Deacon immediately. Also, Bishop Thomas likes to be made aware of deaths as soon as possible so he can pray with and minister to the family. Sis. Barbara Ford will normally work with family members on programming when services are held at CBC. Be sure to contact the Church Office for more information.
Are CBC facilities available for rent?
CBC will allow space to be rented for weddings or funerals (for non-members). Questions regarding the use of our facilities should be handled through Sis. Barbara Ford at (302) 736-6554.