The Men’s Ministry at one time, received a budgeted amount, financed through the church. In 1995, the Lord led the ministry to discontinue receiving church funded support. Saturday Morning Prayer Ministry was started. Those in attendance freely sow whatever monetary gift they so desire at the close of  prayer into the Men’s Ministry.

This blessed generosity of unselfish giving has allowed the Men’s Ministry to accomplish many endeavors, which include:

  • The birth of the Mighty Men of Song Music Ministry
  • Annually sowing money to all Calvary K-12 School attending youth
  • Financially able to assist Deacon’s Ministry Annual Day
  • Periodical gifts to our Pastor and Leading Lady
  • Expenses paid in full for Annual Men’s Day, Annual Men’s Conference and Quarterly Prayer Breakfasts

We were able to do this and much more due to the generosity of the men who selflessly give after our Saturday morning Men’s Prayer.